Super Beauty - Dietary Supplement

Two Islands

Product image 1Super Beauty - Dietary Supplement
Product image 2Super Beauty - Dietary Supplement
Product image 3Super Beauty - Dietary Supplement
Product image 4Super Beauty - Dietary Supplement

Regular price $79.00

Super Beauty is Two Islands powerful plant-based formula designed to nourish skin, hair, and nails from within. It hydrates, plumps, and supports skin moisture, elasticity, and natural collagen production while strengthening nails and promoting healthy hair growth. Featuring scientifically researched DracoBelle™ Nu for skin density and glow, high-strength Hyaluronic Acid, antioxidant-rich New Zealand Blackcurrant, and bioavailable Zinc, it provides deep hydration and protection. With added Biotin and Silica for hair and nail health, this all-in-one beauty blend delivers noticeable results in as little as 8 weeks.

60 Veg Capsules

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